Parents are sometimes very conscious when they leave their children alone with a nanny. To ease this anxiety, most families consider installing a security camera also known as a nanny camera. This camera is used to supervise the child-caregiver and oversee the safety of the children. It could also be used to watch if she is taking proper care of the toddler or baby.
Although cameras bring a sense of security for the families, nannies sometimes are not comfortable working under the supervision of the same. They could think that the employers do not trust them or their skills enough. They could also believe that the parents are invading their privacy.
Parents can sometimes be in a dilemma whether to tell the child-caretaker about the presence of a camera. They may choose to keep a full disclosure or may choose to hide this fact from their new employee.
It is always advisable to keep a full disclosure of surveillance with your nanny, as this will make the caregiver act in her best behaviour. It could also prevent her from getting into any embarrassing situation. For example, during her work, if the caretaker decides to remove her T-shirt, she would be aware to go to the bathroom to do that. Most professional caregivers should not have any problems working under the supervision of a camera. A video recording can also act in their favour in an event of any mishappening. She would be able to prove her innocence through the recordings.
Sometimes, parents may be tempted to keep the presence of cameras a secret. But they need to remember that a hidden camera can only catch a nanny for her misconduct, and not prevent her from doing anything undesirable. As the saying goes, “prevention is better than cure”, it is in the best interest of the parties that there is full disclosure of the security cameras.
Take note: By not telling your employee about the camera, you could be breaching the law. In Quebec, according to labour law, the employee must be made aware of the surveillance at the place of work.
Now that you are aware of keeping the surveillance a secret or not, let’s take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of installing a camera to monitor your new employee.
Are you wondering what are the duties of a nanny, find out by clicking on this blog link.
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Thanks very nice blog!